I obtained my Juris Doctor Degree from Pepperdine University School of Law. I practiced U.S. immigration law for twenty-three years, and continue to practice Canadian immigration law. I've written a trilogy of poetry books. “Killing Justice” is my debut memoir, which can be found at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D3Y5XKRM & now on all other platforms at https://books2read.com/killingjustice
. I currently live in Culver City, California. I'm passionate about raising awareness about mental illness and the criminal justice system and encouraging others on their healing journey, especially through the arts. My poetry can be found at https://www.lulu.com/spotlight/kellyab3/ & my poet website is http://www.kgstoryteller.com/.

Hanging out with my singer/songwriter friend Raye Zaragoza after her powerful, soulful, sold-out show at the Hotel Cafe on September 15, 2023.

Hanging out with Moby after he autographed a copy of his memoir "Porcelain" for me at the LA Times Book Festival in April of 2018.

Hanging out with my friends eX & November, who both performed vocals for & wrote some killer bars for my friend Miles Ananda, after his birthday party/short film premiere /album release party on May 21, 2022 at Mile 44 in LA.

Hanging out with my friends Francisco Martos from Spain & Rocío de la Grana from Argentina after a February 2024 screening of "Io Capitano."

Hanging out with some of my Aim4theHeArt Heart Sessions family in 2021
CONTAct me
For promotional and business collaborations,
or for any personal questions, you can reach me here at
kelly@kellygiles.com or send me a message.