#love , LOVE, LOVE THIS TRULY #transcendent FILM!...now #streaming on @appletv + & @amazonprime ...which #echoes many of the #themes of my upcoming #memoir "Killing Justice"...The Offender Mentor Certificate Program--a first of its kind--takes its participants through a 'parallel process', one that helps participants develop professional skills and become #counselors while also asking them to take an inward look at the #pain they have both experienced and caused. Following Cameron, Al, and Randy--all members of the program--@the50film mirrors this process, weaving the past and present with impressionistic re-enactments of each member's past, present-day studies, and overarching explorations of how their #stories #challenge society's #expectations for them. Character-driven #storytelling and surreal visual metaphor move viewers to re-evaluate their #perceptions and to seriously contend with their own #cycles of #hurt and #healing .#lawandjustice #mentalhealth #spiritualhealing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gW0cb_ZHick
