My friend Erin Randall Key wrote this about a week ago, & it perfectly sums up my own religious trauma healing journey:
When you’re hit hard as a kid
Made to feel worse than shit
Then are taught God is like that
He must punish all the bad
Since God couldn’t stand your sorry sight
His perfect Son was killed to make you right.
But since you prayed the Sinner’s Prayer
God will spare your wicked soul from Hell
But you don’t want to this screw up
Your best behavior’s not enough
You need to prove your love for Christ
After all, He gave his life!
So you strive harder to be good
And do all the things you should
But you keep falling down
And can only see God’s frown
Won’t you please explain to me
How is THIS Good News?
This abusive Deity
Is not the God I choose.
I know about punishment
But please show me a better way
Without fear, hate and judgement
Paved with Love, mercy and grace
Worthy is the lamb
Who was slain
Worthy is the lamb
Who bore all of our pain
Forever this Lamb of Love reigns
Dispelling all fear, hate and shame
Healing our wounds with his co-suffering blood
Reminding us we are always beloved
The child inside of me
Now knows she is worthy
Worthy to receive
Love that’s everlasting
We are all one Body
Love of Christ in unity
Humanity’s Suffering
Is wrapped up in Love’s glory.
We have all been made
In the Divine image
We all have deep within us
Original goodness.
Copyright 2024 Erin Key