Please be sure & come to my booklaunch 2day ! If you're gonna be in santa barbara , or don't mind a roadtrip , please be sure and join me TODAY, Thursday, June 13th, at 4 pm at the @marmontehotel , as I'll featured on a nonfiction Panel, moderated by @matthewpallamary , and featuring the renowned authors @dianaraab , @mariannedoughertyauthor , brian kurtz , and lorissa_rinehart and yours truly. tickets are just $15 if you're not attending the Santa Barbara Writers Conference , and if the weather cooperates you can go to the beach right across the street, maybe even do a little bodysurfing , & then come catch an amazing panel !...& for more info about my new books go to , & hit subscribe on my author page, & you'll get all the latest updates (including upcoming promotions!)
